Passover & The Lord’s Supper

Passover & The Lord's Supper


We been looking at the Old Testament and the New Testament to see how Jesus has fulfilled the law and has not removed it, or cancelled it out.  And today we are looking at the Passover and the Lord’s Supper.

Old Testament:  God was working wonders in Egypt to bring His people out of bondage. The last wonder was the taking of the first born of all Egypt, of man and of cattle.  But God was to spare His people and make a distinction between Egypt and Israel.  God commanded Moses to instruct the people to prepare for the Passover an unblemished lamb and to place some of its blood on the lintel and the posts of their doors and to consume all of the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

The lamb was taken internally and the blood of the lamb was a protection from the angel of destruction. The angel was to “pass over” the children of God because of the sacrifice of the lamb.

New Testament:  Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples to observe the law, but also to fulfill it.  After the Passover meal, Jesus passed the bread and the cup, representing His body and His blood. He was the true lamb of God sent to take away the sins of the world.

We see a transition from a yearly sacrifice in remembrance of God Passing over His People, saving them from slavery and bringing them to the land of promise and ultimately fulfilling in them all of His promises to Abraham, to a one time sacrifice of the true lamb that would free all of mankind from slavery to sin, and restore them to righteous relationship  with God.  Which is greater?  Freedom from physical slavery and oppression and a promised land, or freedom from spiritual slavery and oppression a the promised Heaven.  To continually have to offer up sacrifices for our sin and be separated from God still, or to accept the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and have the spirit of God indwell us forever?


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